Nothing brings us more joy than helping you learn tools and resources to move education into a more emotionally intelligent, whole, wellness-focused environment that champions different learning styles in a fun and creative way.
We love any opportunity to come and let you and or your students & teachers experience our approach first hand. Our ultimate goal is to inspire educators to implement these strategies into their classrooms on a regular basis

“Children learn through doing – play is how they explore their world, learn how to assess risk, try things out, and get to know themselves”
—Bethe Almeras
Elementary School Partnerships
Our goal is to be a supportive partner as you embed our key philosophies into your everyday educational practice. The result? Students are more active, engaged, creative, confident and connected, which research has shown results in higher classroom performance.
Different levels of EDGEucation are available: from working with students, to supporting teachers to effectively integrate Movement-Based, Social/Emotional Learning Methods right into teaching practice and curriculum.
We can work with your Students, Teachers or BOTH!
Bachelor in EDGEucation
Student Experiences

Student Experiences
We facilitate interactive workshops suitable for all students from K-8! (3-4 classes together at a time)
Choose from...
Signature Experience: A unique Dance/Creative Movement Community Builder packed with Social/Emotional Learning Skills (K-8)
Math (K-8) or Language (K-5) themed experience.
3-Day Dance Curriculum Unit (assessment tool included)
That's fine too!
Visit our resource page or get in touch for more info!
Want Just the
Online Resources?
Masters in EDGEucation
Teacher PD and Resources

Teacher PD
60-90min workshop ideally held on a staff meeting or PD Day. Walk away with a new perspective and feel confident to implement our key philosophies into your practice in different subjects.

Online Resources
Access to our online resource library! Includes 50+ activities across Numeracy, Literacy, Dance H&PE and Kindergarten. Access to this package does not expire!

Continued Support
Contact us anytime for additional help and support!

Bachelor in EDGEucation

Student Experiences
Signature Experience: (K-8)
The gym will be buzzing with positivity (and sweat) as 3-4 classes get together to move their bodies in a highly engaging and inclusive environment! Students will not only be physically active moving to various music styles but will also be nurturing positive character traits like: creative expression, problem solving, self-regulation, confidence healthy peer interaction and other social/emotional skills! Once we start moving, you will see how uplifted students (and the teachers!) get, creating an environment where you can't help but have a smile on your face! It's so incredibly inspiring to see!
Math Experience: (K-8)
Using the same movement approach as the Signature Experience, students will explore concepts like patterns, fractions, geometry, coding and more with the Body, Brain and Being!
Language Experience: (K-5)
Exploring the character traits and emotions from the book "The Day the Crayons Quit" with the Body, Brain and Being!
3-Day Dance Curriculum Unit: (K-8)
Day 1: Signature Experience (as described above)
Day 2: Exploring the 5 Elements of Dance
Day 3: Students create their own dance pieces based on learnings from days 1 and 2. **Assessment tool for teachers is included!

Master in EDGEucation

Teacher PD
Walk away with a new perspective of how we deliver curriculum!
In this workshop you will gain a deeper understanding of our key philosophies and framework learning to use Movement and Social/Emotional Learning Methods to deliver different curriculum concepts (numeracy, literacy and more!). A great kinesthetic and differentiated instruction tool to increases academic engagement and understanding of concepts, while also supporting student well-being, DPA and positive classroom community. This is not an "add on" to the day, but a different way of looking at delivering curriculum where physical activity, creativity and connection to self and others becomes just how we do things - bridging the gap between meeting our curriculum expectations and the changing developmental challenges of students growing up in a digital world!

Teacher Resources
Implement Movement Based, Social/Emotional Learning Methods on an Ongoing Basis!
Receive access to our Elementary Partnership Package on the Moving EDGEucation Online Teacher Resource Library: 50+ activities across Numeracy, Literacy. H&PE, DPA, Dance and Kindergarten Modules!
All Activities Include:
- PDF Instructions
- Videos and Tutorials
- Music! (yes, the music is included!)
Access to this package does not expire!

Continued Support
We're here to help!!
Contact us anytime you need with questions about materials or technical support!

PhD in EDGEucation
The PhD in EDGEucation is the whole kit and caboodle with all of the above! Students, Teachers, Resources and Support!

Student Experiences
Get Moving!
The gym will be buzzing with positivity (and sweat) as 3-4 classes get together to move their bodies in a highly engaging and inclusive environment! Students will not only be physically active moving their bodies to various music styles but will also be nurturing positive character traits like: creative expression, problem solving, self-regulation, confidence healthy peer interaction and other social/emotional skills! Once we start moving, you will see how uplifted students (and the teachers!) get, creating an environment where you can't help but have a smile on your face! It's so incredibly inspiring to see!
- Suitable and adaptable for ALL students K-8
- Try the Original Movement-Based SEL Experience or choose a Numeracy or Literacy Focus (especially great for returning schools)
- The day also comes with a 30min lunch and learn and mini resource package.

PD Workshop
Walk away with a new perspective of how we deliver curriculum!
In this workshop you will gain a deeper understanding of our key philosophies and framework learning to use Movement and Social/Emotional Learning Methods to deliver different curriculum concepts (numeracy, literacy and more!). A great kinesthetic and differentiated instruction tool to increases academic engagement and understanding of concepts, while also supporting student well-being, DPA and positive classroom community. This is not an "add on" to the day, but a different way of looking at delivering curriculum where physical activity, creativity and connection to self and others becomes just how we do things - bridging the gap between meeting our curriculum expectations and the changing developmental challenges of students growing up in a digital world!

Teacher Resources
Implement Movement Based, Social/Emotional Learning Methods on an Ongoing Basis!
Receive access to our Elementary Partnership Package on the Moving EDGEucation Online Teacher Resource Library: 50+ activities across Numeracy, Literacy. H&PE, DPA, Dance and Kindergarten Modules!
All Activities Include:
- PDF Instructions
- Videos and Tutorials
- Music! (yes, the music is included!)
Access to this package does not expire!

Continued Support
We're here to help and keep you going!
Contact us any time you need with questions about the material or tech support!

Professional Development for Teachers
Whether you're a Principal, Board/District Consultant, AQ Instructional Lead, B.Ed/M.Ed Faculty or organizing a Conference...
Walk away with a new perspective on how we deliver curriculum and ideas for your classroom!
Gain a deeper understanding of our key philosophies and framework using Movement and Social/Emotional Learning Methods to deliver different curriculum concepts (numeracy, literacy and more!). A great kinesthetic and differentiated instruction tool to increases academic engagement and understanding of concepts, while also supporting student well-being, DPA and positive classroom community. This is not an "add on" to the day, but a different way of looking at delivering curriculum where physical activity, creativity and connection to self and others becomes just how we do things - bridging the gap between meeting our curriculum expectations and the changing developmental challenges of students growing up in a digital world!
Learning Outcomes:
1. Experience & understand the positive impact of integrating physical, cognitive, social & emotional development into regular practice.
2. Feel competent & confident using movement-based SEL methods to deliver curriculum concepts, offering a deeper level of understanding for students.
3. Step outside the box & shift our perspective on how we deliver curriculum, putting the wellbeing of students & the classroom community at the core.
The Moving EDGEucation Framework can supports a wide variety of curricula and purposes. These include (but is not limited to):
Numeracy and/or Literacy strategies
Student Well Being and SEL methods
Purposeful DPA
Differentiate Instruction and cross-curricular teaching
Special Education
Health and Physical Education
Kindergarten and the Early Years
The Arts

Research by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center shows that teachers who develop SEL skills enjoy the benefits of greater mental health and more effective teaching, both of which can have a significant impact on a students' success.

Team Building
We know how tiring the school day can get. It’s important to give some love to ourselves as educators too.
Perfect for both Elementary and Secondary Teams, we facilitate a wellness session that not only calms and grounds staff from the stress of the school year, but is a wonderful way to build community and connection.
Decide to add learning to the experience, or keep it light and therapeutic. Tell us a bit about your team and we’ll design the best experience for you!
Speaking Engagements
Inspiring, engaging, knowledgable interactive and fun! We are holistic and kinesthetic learning specialists with extensive speaking and presenting experience on the importance of movement-based, experiential, SEL methods and innovative teaching practices with applications across multiple professional subject matters.
Conference participants are exposed to both theory and practice experiencing first hand the power of integrating the body, brain and being while up on their feet, moving with their own community. We customize a unique and memorable keynote that creates rich and powerful experiences for all audiences.
Watch a TEDx Talk by our Founder and Creative Director, Amy Tepperman below

“When we focus on the social and emotional aspect of working together on a science, math, literacy activity, we create a balanced experience that helps children in all aspects of development”
—Ellen Booth Church, Getting to the Heart of Learning

Community & Recreation
Are you part of a centre, organization or the Municipality working with children and youth? We offer capacity building workshops and tools to help your staff integrate our approach into their programming.

Secondary Schools
There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a group of teenagers let go and MOVE with (and in front of) their peers. With extensive experience in the world of Youth Leadership working with organizations including The Ontario Educational Leadership Centre, HOBY, COLS and YLCC we've discovered our approach to be a fantastic tool for leadership skill building and personal development of teens!
These experiences build self awareness. confidence, risk taking skills, divergent thinking, communication and healthy interaction in a fun and engaging way.
We also provide SHSM certifications giving students the tools and confidence to facilitate creative movement programming for kids 3-10 years old. Suitable for Health and Wellness, Sport and Recreation and Arts and Culture.
Interested in Booking your Elementary school?
Looking for more information?
Pricing is based on School Population. Please fill in the form below to get the ball rolling for the most accurate quote and details based on the needs of your school. Or give us a call at (416) 709-7886.